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Global Military Tropical Medicine Course Launched by NMLPDC



NMLPDC Holds Global Military Tropical Medicine Course

In July 2024, the Naval Medical Leader and Professional Development Command (NMLPDC) facilitated its annual Military Tropical Medicine (MTM) course. Held at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, 43 students engaged in a 4-week intensive didactic program. Following this, in August 2024, 92 students participated in hands-on field experiences across eight tropical regions around the globe.

The MTM course, available both in-person and online, equips military medical providers with essential skills to diagnose, treat, and prevent tropical infectious diseases. These capabilities are crucial for protecting the Joint Force and enhancing healthcare during global health engagement missions.

“We often don’t receive this content in medical school or graduate medical education programs,” commented Capt. Todd Gleason, MC, USN, and MTM course director. “Our diverse group of students includes nurses, physicians, lab technicians, and residents from various fields, enriching our collaborative environment.”

Following the didactic portion, select students engaged in practical field experiences in countries such as Brazil, Thailand, and Liberia. This provided an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world tropical environments, collaborating with local medical providers.

Capt. Katie Shobe, MSC, USN, NMLPDC Commanding Officer, participated in the mission to Peru. “In Lima and Tumbes, we conducted exercises and visited the Lima Peruvian Naval Hospital. We learned about local medical practices, engaged in mosquito surveillance, and studied various tropical diseases,” she shared.

In addition, an online asynchronous MTM course was offered from August 2023 to June 2024. This allowed 287 military medical providers who could not attend in-person to gain valuable knowledge.

“I’m profoundly grateful for our MTM team’s effort,” Shobe added. “Coordinating with partner organizations in multiple locations is no small feat. A hearty Bravo Zulu to the team!”

Building on this year’s successes, the MTM staff has scheduled upcoming course options. These include an online-asynchronous course from September 2024 to June 2025, an in-person course in Bethesda, MD from July 7 to August 1, 2025, and various field missions in August 2025.

Interested tri-service medical providers can find more information on the CAC enabled NMLPDC course site or contact via email at [email protected].

NMLPDC, based at Naval Support Activity in Bethesda, MD, is critical to Navy Medicine’s leader and professional development, supporting both Naval and Joint Forces.

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