NavalX Gulf Coast Tech Bridge recently hosted an extensive collaborative exercise involving over 45 participants from four key partner commands. These included the Naval Surface Warfare...
In a significant step forward in enhancing military capabilities, a test pilot successfully landed an F-35B aircraft on the JS Kaga at approximately 3:15 p.m. This...
SAN DIEGO—In a significant leap for naval warfare capabilities, the U.S. Navy has successfully demonstrated the Transferrable Reload At-sea Method (TRAM) on a warship navigating open...
WASHINGTON – On Tuesday, Sept. 10, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory’s (NRL) Scientific Development Squadron ONE (VXS-1) deployed observational buoys in the anticipated path of Hurricane...
Rising sea levels and global temperatures, coupled with more severe and frequent weather events such as droughts, floods, and wildfires, are causing extensive damage globally. These...
The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has successfully integrated and tested its Lightsheet Anomaly Resolution and Debris Observation (LARADO) instrument aboard the Space Test Program Satellite...
SINGAPORE – The head of Navy Medicine’s research efforts, Capt. Franca Jones, recently wrapped up a significant tour of Southeast Asia. From July 15-26, Capt. Jones,...