The San Diego waterfront played host to a distinguished visit as Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro embarked on the USS Boxer, marking an exceptional...
At a series of townhall events, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro expressed profound gratitude, describing his role as a privilege. He commended Marines and...
At NVIDIA’s Santa Clara headquarters, a crucial partnership was forged last month. Retired U.S. Navy Vice Adm. Ann Rondeau, President of the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS),...
Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Bourque has been dismissed from his role as the commanding officer of NRC Cheyenne. The decision was made by Capt. Christopher Peppel, responsible...
In a demonstration of international camaraderie, the USS Frank E. Petersen Jr., USS Michael Murphy, and USS Spruance, part of the Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group,...
The USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group recently visited Marseille, marking the two-month milestone of their deployment. Following extensive operations in the North and Norwegian...
In a concerted effort to bolster security across the Indo-Pacific, combined special operations forces from the United States, India, and Japan recently engaged in a comprehensive...
U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Thomas A. Cecil recently achieved significant recognition for his work on mixed-reality (MR) head-mounted displays, a key element in naval aviation’s...
During the festive season, safety takes center stage as experts emphasize the importance of precautions to avoid accidents. Fred Christian, the safety manager at the Center...
In March 2024, the USS Indianapolis deployed as part of a dual-crewed command mission, marking a significant moment in naval operations. The deployment involved two command...