In a significant move towards enhancing maritime cooperation, allied and partner navies embarked from La Goulette Naval Base in Tunis, Tunisia, to participate in the at-sea...
In a world marked by profound technological advancements and intense global competition, the Distributed Mission Operations Center at Kirtland Air Force Base recently hosted the Virtual...
Sailors stationed in the Southeast will soon have a significant opportunity to enhance their careers through the upcoming Career Development Symposium (CDS). This event will serve...
Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) recently achieved a significant milestone on August 21 by accepting its first Navy CMV-22B Osprey for maintenance. This event marks FRCE’s...
PORTSMOUTH, Virginia – In the heart of Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY), veterans comprise about 23% of the workforce. With over 10,000 years of collective military service,...
On a crisp Saturday morning in New York, the Navy celebrated the commissioning of its latest asset, the USS John Basilone, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer....
The at-sea phase of Phoenix Express 24 has commenced, marking a significant step in a major multinational maritime exercise in the Mediterranean Sea. This phase focuses...
NCIS Director Omar Lopez delivered remarks highlighting the importance of applying training skills in the field, before introducing Secretary Del Toro as the keynote speaker. In...
The Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Lisa Franchetti, recently hosted the Turkish Head of Navy, Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu, for an official visit from November 5-8. This...
A noteworthy achievement was celebrated recently as Michael Wagoner of Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) was honored with the 2024 Supervisor of the Year title. His...