In a concerted effort to bolster security across the Indo-Pacific, combined special operations forces from the United States, India, and Japan recently engaged in a comprehensive...
In March 2024, the USS Indianapolis deployed as part of a dual-crewed command mission, marking a significant moment in naval operations. The deployment involved two command...
The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group (HSTCSG) has reached a pivotal stage in its deployment in the North Sea, marking significant collaboration with NATO allies....
On November 13, Rear Admiral Dean VanderLey, Commander of NAVFAC, announced the selection of Tobias for a significant leadership role. Tobias, having led NAVFAC Washington since...
The U.S. Navy’s ambitious Digital Talon 3.0 exercise recently unfolded in expansive waters, seeking to forge new paths in robotic and autonomous systems (RAS) capabilities. This...
The USS Beloit, the newest Freedom-class littoral combat ship, was officially commissioned this week, marking a significant milestone for Wisconsin. The ship is the first to...
More than 2,500 Sailors and Marines, part of the Boxer Amphibious Ready Group and the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (ARG-MEU), showcased their strategic prowess in a...
In a significant demonstration of international collaboration, the USS Abraham Lincoln has arrived in Malaysia, marking the first visit by a U.S. aircraft carrier since 2012....
The Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) exercise in Brunei 2024 highlighted extensive participation from U.S. military assets, including staff from various Task Forces, the Marine...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a crucial asset for the U.S. Navy in identifying and neutralizing potential threats among maritime activities. Vice Adm. George Wikoff, Commander...