In a significant move to bolster naval collaboration, a signing ceremony took place at Naval Air Facility Atsugi in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. This event marked a...
A significant drug bust has been executed by the boarding team supporting Task Force (TF) 51/5, as they uncovered and confiscated a staggering 5,316.1 kilograms of...
The U.S. Navy’s ambitious Digital Talon 3.0 exercise recently unfolded in expansive waters, seeking to forge new paths in robotic and autonomous systems (RAS) capabilities. This...
The Keen Sword exercise marks a significant milestone in the collaboration between the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) and U.S. military. This joint-bilateral field training aims to...
Members of the Navy Closure Task Force (NCTF-RH) will provide updates on efforts to clean and close Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility’s (RHBFSF) storage tanks....
Romania recently hosted the annual Eurasian Partnership Mine Countermeasure (EPMCM) exercise in and around Constanța. Concurrently, Bulgaria hosted the TRITON exercise at Varna Naval Station. These...
Capt. John Barrientos officially took over command of Task Force (TF) 59, relieving Capt. Colin Corridan who led the unit since March 2023. TF 59 is...