The USS Green Bay is making waves with its return to San Diego, after years serving as a crucial element of the U.S. Seventh Fleet based...
USS Green Bay Returns Home After a Decade in the Seventh Fleet USS Green Bay, a key vessel in the America Amphibious Ready Group, is set...
Peay, a Fairfield Central High School alumnus of 2006, is a testament to how small-town values can shape a successful military career. The skills and sense...
The annual Air Show sneak peek in Virginia Beach presented a unique educational opportunity for 5th graders from local schools. Since 2016, the event has welcomed...
SAN FRANCISCO — On October 7, 2024, the USS Tripoli, USS Somerset, and the unmanned surface vessel Ranger made their entrance into San Francisco in a...
“We have demonstrated the versatility of the SSGN platform to operate anywhere at any time,” stated Capt. Peter French, blue crew commanding officer. “We operated in...