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Pacific Fleet Ship Group Completes Transit of Suez Canal and Enters Red Sea



Pacific Fleet Ship Group Completes Transit of Suez Canal and Enters Red Sea

A detachment of ships from the Pacific Fleet, consisting of the Guards Order of Nakhimov missile cruiser “Varyag” and the frigate “Marshal Shaposhnikov,” has successfully completed the transit of the Suez Canal and exited from the Mediterranean into the Red Sea. The crews of the ships are currently continuing their missions as part of a long-distance voyage.

Long-Distance Voyage of the Pacific Fleet

The long-distance voyage of the Pacific Fleet’s ship group began on January 22 of this year. During the voyage, the Pacific Fleet sailors completed dozens of training exercises focused on combat readiness and the organization of daily activities at sea. They also completed training and combat tasks as part of the permanent Russian Navy task force in the Mediterranean Sea.

Port Visits

As part of the voyage, the ship crews made port visits to several countries, including:

  • Republic of India
  • Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
  • Islamic Republic of Iran
  • State of Qatar
  • State of Eritrea

Mission Continuation

The Pacific Fleet sailors continue to carry out their assigned tasks, demonstrating combat readiness and a high level of professionalism. It is expected that during the further course of the voyage, they will continue to participate in various training and combat activities, strengthening international ties and naval cooperation.

This long-distance voyage serves as an important reminder of the strategic significance and global capabilities of Russia’s Pacific Fleet.

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