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USS Omaha Joins the Frontlines of Oceania Maritime Security Initiative



USS Omaha participates in Oceania Maritime Security Initiative

PACIFIC OCEAN (Sept. 18, 2024) – The USS Omaha (LCS 12), an Independence-variant littoral combat ship, has commenced operations in support of the Oceania Maritime Security Initiative (OMSI) as of Sept. 8. The Omaha is collaborating with Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 35 and a U.S. Coast Guard Tactical Law Enforcement Team detachment to enhance maritime security in the Pacific.

OMSI, a program under the Secretary of Defense, targets reducing illegal activities in the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) of Pacific Island nations. It also aims at fortifying interoperability with partner nations in the region.

“We embrace the opportunity to work closely with the U.S. Coast Guard as we help enforce economic policies among some of our closest partners in the Western and Central Pacific,” said U.S. Navy Cmdr. Kevin Smith, commanding officer of Omaha. “It is rewarding to work with these island nations to patrol their waters, maintaining a free and open region.”

Omaha’s deployment extends the reach of U.S. Coast Guard law enforcement to remote EEZs, providing critical support to these areas. The collaboration enables a stronger enforcement presence, vital for monitoring and controlling illegal fishing activities and transnational crimes. Coast Guard Chief Maritime Enforcement Specialist Kyle Smouse emphasized, “Deploying U.S. Coast Guard law enforcement detachments aboard U.S. Navy vessels allows the Coast Guard to have a greater presence and impact in enforcing Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) regulations.”

The WCPFC’s mandate focuses on the sustainable use and conservation of fish stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. The agreement seeks to eliminate unregulated fishing and prevent vessel re-flagging attempts to evade international controls.

Currently homeported in San Diego and assigned to the U.S. 3rd Fleet, the Omaha is undertaking a scheduled deployment. Littoral combat ships like the Omaha are designed for fast, efficient operation in both near-shore and open-ocean environments, enhancing capabilities to address 21st-century maritime threats.

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