At a series of townhall events, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro expressed profound gratitude, describing his role as a privilege. He commended Marines and...
In a recent visit, U.S. and Indonesian naval officials have reinforced their commitment to enhancing maritime collaboration. Vice Admiral Karl Thomas and First Admiral I Gung...
Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jim Kilby made a significant visit to Newport, R.I., on October 30 to engage with students and Navy leaders. This...
The strategic engagement between the U.S. Navy’s VP-10 “Red Lancers” and the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) delivered substantial advancements in military collaboration within the...
Recent exercises at NAS Pensacola emphasized the importance of maintaining peak readiness among Navy security personnel by conducting simulations designed to bolster force protection protocols. “Evaluating...
Chief of Naval Operations Spokesperson Cmdr. Desiree Frame announced recent developments in international naval collaboration. During the 14th Trans-Regional Seapower Symposium held in Venice, Italy, Chief...
In a recent mid-COMPTUEX NATO scenario, the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group (CSG) completed a rigorous training and certification exercise. This event offered fleet staff...
During his visit to Jakarta, Vice Adm. Karl Thomas, the commander of the U.S. 7th Fleet, met with influential figures including the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia,...
Copenhagen, DENMARK – On August 13, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro held a significant meeting with Troels Lund Poulsen, the Minister of Defense of...
NEWPORT, Rhode Island – Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro visited Newport, R.I., on August 8, engaging with Officer Candidates and Surface Warfare Officers. Addressing...