In a landmark achievement underscoring the AUKUS trilateral security partnership, Royal Australian Navy submariner James has earned his warfare device, known as the “dolphins.” This milestone...
In a strategic display of naval collaboration, the U.S. Navy’s USS Dewey (DDG 105) and the Royal Australian Navy’s HMAS Stuart (FFH 153) participated in the...
GOOSE CREEK, South Carolina – A significant milestone for the AUKUS trilateral security partnership unfolded as 12 Royal Australian Navy personnel graduated from the U.S. Navy’s...
The 2024 Kakadu exercise, the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) principal international engagement activity, has successfully concluded. The biennial event enhances interoperability among nations in maritime and...
SOUTH CHINA SEA — The U.S., Italian navies, and the Royal Australian Air Force joined forces in a multilateral exercise in the South China Sea from...
Royal Australian Navy Sailors Graduate from U.S. Nuclear Submarine Training “It’s another exciting step to see our Royal Australian Navy sailors graduate from this unique and...