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New Navy Medicine Campaign Unveiled to Boost Naval Force Readiness



A graphic created to promote awareness of Navy Medicine’s Fiscal Year 2025 Campaign Order, which continues to prepare and posture Navy Medicine for sustained health service support in high intensity combat operations in a future peer warfighting scenario.

The latest campaign order aligns with key strategic military documents, creating a bedrock for Navy Medicine to enhance the medical readiness of warfighters. As it aligns with the Chief of Naval Operations’ Navigation Plan and the National Defense Strategy, the focus is to ensure efficient health support during potential high-intensity conflicts.

Rear Adm. Darin Via, Navy Surgeon General, emphasized the need for ongoing preparation. “This campaign order prepares Navy Medicine for sustained health service support in high-intensity combat scenarios,” Via stated. He stressed that these changes are essential to meet operational demands from various military commanders.

The campaign aligns with the Surgeon General’s strategic priorities, which are categorized under warfighting, supporting warfighters, and fortifying the foundational support systems. Integration with fleet stakeholders and non-medical partners is key to this transformation.

“Every member of Navy Medicine plays a vital role in reaching our goals,” concluded Via. Navy Medicine personnel, both active and reserve, are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the new directives set for Fiscal Year 2025.

Past campaign orders saw the successful execution of over 400 tasks, edging Navy Medicine nearer to its 2027 objectives. In Fiscal Year 2025, over 250 tasks have been earmarked, each with specific timelines, aimed at modernization and increasing operational capacity.

Navy Medicine will provide quarterly updates on progress, measuring success against the overarching Campaign Plan. Integrated efforts from various stakeholders will be crucial in achieving these goals.

With a mission to maintain a highly capable medical force, Navy Medicine is tasked with developing medical teams that support the naval human weapon system across all battle scenarios. The Navy Medicine Enterprise, made up of over 40,000 skilled professionals, remains a cornerstone of medical support for the military.

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