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Essex Gym Grand Opening Showcases Power of Teamwork



It Takes Team Work to Open Essex Gym

SAN DIEGO (August 16, 2024) — After nearly two years of closure due to a drydocking selected restricted availability (DSRA) maintenance period, the main gym aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2) reopened on August 16, 2024.

The renovation involved essential floor repairs alongside the introduction of new equipment. The refurbishment project revealed significant corrosion in two main areas of the gym floor, making repairs a top priority, according to Sara Krise, the ship’s afloat recreation specialist, or “Fun Boss.”

Krise explained that ensuring a high-quality, well-maintained space was crucial. Therefore, the floor required comprehensive sanding and painting before any new equipment could be installed. However, unforeseen issues, such as improperly dried paint, extended the repair efforts over four months as opposed to the planned one month.

Master at Arms 1st Class Michael Norval volunteered for the project. Although not originally involved, Norval took responsibility for resanding and repainting the deck, enlisting the help of Operations Specialist 3rd Class Yajaira Espinoza Soto and Airman Mika Dotterweich.

Espinoza Soto and Dotterweich, primarily assigned to security detail, contributed to the gym renovation during breaks from their watch duties. Their teamwork and motivation significantly eased the process, as highlighted by Norval.

The upgraded gym boasts around $170,000 in new equipment and approximately $200,000 in new floor mats, a considerable investment coordinated by Lt. j.g. Jonathan Contreras and Krise. The first phase of this logistics involved collaboration with Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP), ship’s personnel, and the ship’s executive and command master chiefs.

The project, which could have taken 36 hours, was substantially streamlined to a two-hour working party thanks to efforts from the duty section and NAVSUP’s crane support. This teamwork was essential in transporting new equipment from the pier to the flight deck and subsequently to the gym.

Krise aims to continue enhancing the gym, making it uniquely tailored to the USS Essex. Her future plans include ordering additional equipment and potentially establishing “mini gyms” around the ship, pending approval from the relevant departments.

With the gym now operational, forthcoming events include an “Aloha Challenge” from September 9 to 30, encouraging sailors to complete 25.21 miles through various exercises. Other planned activities, such as “1,000 Pound Clubs,” aim to foster a sense of camaraderie and pride among the ship’s crew.

“The gym is vital to the ship’s community,” noted Norval. “It brings everyone together and boosts morale, much like the ship’s galley. Seeing it reopen is significant for every sailor aboard.”

USS Essex, currently homeported in San Diego, continues its maintenance period to upgrade and refurbish key systems.

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