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Heroic Navy Recruiter Rescues Student from Mangled Car Wreck



While en route to a meeting with a prospective Navy recruit, FC1 Alex Weaver witnessed a harrowing scene. A car somersaulted through the air in his rearview mirror, landing dramatically on highway 37 in Licking County, Ohio.

Without hesitation, Weaver swung his vehicle around and dialed 911, racing to the accident site. “It was like a switch just turned on,” he noted, referring to the first aid knowledge ingrained in him during his naval training.

Upon arriving, he found a 17-year-old from Licking High School trapped inside the overturned, smoking car. Reacting swiftly, Weaver managed to force open the door and extract the student. He then assessed the teenager’s condition, checking for shock and injuries, applying the skills he’d honed through the Navy’s Tactical Combat Casualty Care training on the USS Portland.

Emergency medical personnel soon arrived and took over. Cmdr. Patrick Henken of NTAG ORV commended Weaver’s actions, highlighting his embodiment of the Navy’s Core Values—Honor, Courage, and Commitment. “Petty Officer Weaver responded as expected of a Navy Sailor,” Henken stated, praising his composure and readiness.

Despite the unexpected detour, Weaver continued with his day, albeit slightly delayed, conducting an interview with the Navy hopeful.

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