
Congratulations on Marine and River Fleet Workers’ Day



Dear colleagues and veterans of water transport!

I wholeheartedly congratulate you on Marine and River Fleet Workers’ Day!

Water transport has always played a key role in the life of our great country, washed by numerous seas and possessing one of the most extensive networks of inland waterways in the world.

Today, we honor not only those who directly manage marine and river vessels but also the specialists working in ports, shipbuilding yards, navigation hydraulic structures, and other industry facilities. Your diligent work and high professionalism deserve sincere gratitude and respect.

Special words of appreciation go to the veterans of water transport, who pass on their knowledge and experience to young specialists, preserving and enhancing the centuries-old traditions of the national fleet. You are the true custodians of our marine and river history.

Sailors and rivermen play an important role in strengthening Russia’s economic power and sovereignty. In the coming years, the industry faces strategic tasks outlined by the President of Russia in the Decree on national development goals. We must comprehensively and balancedly increase the capacity of marine port infrastructure, modernize the network of inland waterways, develop the potential of the Northern Sea Route, and the Arctic fleet. The program for building new vessels – marine, river, and river-sea class – will continue, and we are confident that any challenges are within our capabilities.

I wish all workers of marine and river transport continued success in your important and necessary work, strong health, and well-being!

Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Roman Starovoit

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